This Page was Site of the Week on the Anime Web Turnpike from
12/22 1997 - 12/28 1997. Now it can be officially UN Sanctioned.
(FYI, yes, the Ultimate EVA FAQs Page
is back up, but it hasn't been fixed up or "prettied" since it's
basic inception. Enjoy, if the layout doesn't make you go blind)
Welcome to the Ultimate
Evangelion FAQs Homepage.
Before I jump into the main categories of FAQs, I'd like to address the most asked question I get in my inbox as of late. What are your thoughts on the 4 New Gainax-animated Evangelion movies?
Personally? I think Anno's just tapped out of ideas now and only in it for the money. This is really kind of sad. Yeah, after seeing You Are (Not) Alone and You Can (Not) Advance I think I know what the hell they're TRYING to do with these things, but it's really just a waste of resources and it's just insulting to the audience at this point. The story's been TOLD. It's done. Over. Hell, Anno even got to go back and redo the ending in the form of End of Evangelion! He's already had his chance to tell the tale that he wants... But along came these four new flicks. Yes, according to some of Kaworu's cryptic lines it looks like they're all a part of the same world as the TV series (think Higurashi: When They Cry, or Groundhog Day), but that's just Anno's excuse. All these new Eva movies are are a way to milk more cash from a dead cat. Please, Gainax, use your power for good! Give us another Gurren Lagann or Kare Kano! We don't NEED another take on Eva, even if it is as trippy as what you're giving us... Please, I beg you, just give us something new instead.
And now, the questions and
answers are split up into the following categories:
TV Series
Or you can go to
my idiot son's homepage:
Ikari Shinji-kun's
Evangelion FAQs and Stuff.
What a wuss.
All of the answers within
are taken solely from facts and quotes from the television series,
the movies, interviews and the books (including image books and
the RCB [a good translation of it]) that make up
the Shin Seiki Evangelion Universe. But in the end,
forget that I'm Ikari Gendo (and I've lived through all these
events, and that I also have access to SEELE's records and to
stuff that even Keel Lorenz does not) for the final say in the
matter rests in your hands my friend.
Eva is all about
individual perception and opinion. Do not believe everything
anybody else tells you until you've taken every fact in and think
everything through for yourself. This is the only real truth
about Eva. Director Anno obviously made this series in order
to get people to think, so don't let others think for you.
Now enjoy your stay.
If you have any other questions on the series, please feel free
to e-mail me here.
Year Anniversary Contest winners
and rules (Hey! They're good reads).
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I do
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my back! I'm only making this page to show how
much I love Evangelion. I want others to know
about it and buy as many DVDs of it as they can, so that soon
the entire world will know Shin
Seiki Evangelion!!!!
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Production. Do not copy any of it or I will come over there and
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They belong to rich people who live in Japan or in submarines
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