for Gary Coleman for California Governor Fuck Arnold Schwarzenegger! Screw
him up his muscular, Austrian ass! That shit-tard doesn't know one goddamn
thing about being Governor. But I think I'm getting a little ahead of
myself. Let me backtrack a bit. See, the current Governor of the skidmark
of a state, California, has been kicked out of office or something. Maybe
he's dead, I don't That's right, the lucky state of California now has the chance to become the hands-down-coolest State of the Union. This is the first time in my life that I think I ever truly wanted to set up roots on the West Coast! Just imagine, GOVERNOR GARY COLEMAN... Kind of makes you weak in the knees, don't it. Now, I'm not saying that Gary Coleman is the best candidate for the office. I mean, hell, even he's saying that he'd probably end up accidentally nuking Russia if he were elected. But fuck that shit. Gary Coleman is the most rugged candidate that any state could ever hope to elect and bribe into the job. Even more rugged than Jesse Ventura. Think about it.
But Gary Coleman on the other hand, you know exactly what he'll do on each and every issue that comes his way: The Cool Motherfucker Thing. Say for instance some Governor lacky comes up to him in his Oval Office and says, "The people want to know what you plan to do, oh gracious Governor Arnold, about the Education Budget for the upcoming fiscal year." To which Governor Gary Coleman would reply, "What the fuck are you talkin' 'bout, cocksuck! I'll beat your ass black and blue with the butt of the gun that Todd Bridges robbed that 7-11 with if you ever bring this shit up to me again! You get me, punk ass bitch?!" That's just the kind of forward thinking California needs. Go
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