THEORY OF RELATIVE CHAOS I was never in the Boy Scouts (not gay enough), but growing up with wussies in my class who were, I heard about their motto: "Always be prepared (for an ass-fucking)". Sans the "for an ass-fucking" part, those words stuck with me, and soon I was to have forged my own motto which has served me well throughout my frolicsome life. Actually, it's more of a scientific theory than a motto, but it goes a little something like this: "For every non-recurrent or repetitive event in your life, expect the unexpected, and prepare for anything, as whatever you THINK will happen will not." See, not very catchy, and it rambles, but it's basically Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Ian Malcolm's Chaos Theory, and the Boy Scout motto all rolled into one. And I came up with this long before Dr. Malcolm ever stepped foot in Jurassic Park. Sometimes I just impress myself something fierce. Anyway, what my Theory of Relative Chaos means is that no matter what you plan or even THINK might happen in any given situation (that does not occur or take place regularly), it will NOT develop or transpire as you plan/think it will. For example: say you have a date coming up with a really hot chick (God only knows why she's even bothering to go out with you [she probably lost a horrible, horrible bet]). You set up in your mind several outlines for the evening and believe that you will have her in the sack by 1AM. You bargain for dinner, a concert, a stroll on the beach, and some wine sipping at your place in front of a warm fire, culminating in the tearing off of clothes and gratuitous usage of Motion Lotion (TM) by no later than 1:02AM. You cannot fathom what could possibly go wrong. You made sure your roommate was in the red light district with $200 cash on him -- so he's out of your hair. Your parents have been told that you died earlier in the day, so they won't be calling you on your cell phone or stopping by for whatever reason (you'll apologize tomorrow). Your credit cards aren't overcharged, and you know your chick is oversexed. This evening will be perfect. You just fucking KNOW it.
Actually, none of THAT stuff will happen because now you've already thought of it. You can think that your night will end prematurely as you'll get into a nine-car pile-up on your way to pick your honey up instead -- but that won't happen now either, since you've thought of it as a possibility now too. See, this theory of mine can be used for good (think of all the worst possible ways for a good time to end, and they won't come true), but just be careful that you don't forget to think that you might be knifed by a confused pimp, or shot in the face by a bartender's magnum or else those might be potentialities. To wind up this long introduction so that I can get into the meat and potatoes of this article, my main point is this: Plan for the worst and never expect the best. Or you can think of it like this: Nothing ever works out the way you think it will. My main point for the rest of this article is that I did not follow my own advice, and therefore suffered a most heinous Uber-Week because of my own stupidity. A MOST HEINOUS UBER-WEEK I honestly don't know what I was thinking. I almost ALWAYS remember my own rules for Relative Chaos, especially when it comes to e-ticket events in my life (like Uber-Weeks, birthdays, hot dates, movie premieres, etc... Stuff I don't fuck around with). I start thinking weeks in advance, "Oh man, I'm gonna get drafted into the service right before Christmas break, aren't I... Damn!" Or, "Dammit! I just know that Grandma Ross's gonna try hang gliding again right before that big presentation at work, and Johnson will get that promotion instead of me when I have to go to her funeral! Goddammit, Grandma!" Then those things will never happen. Oh, sure, on the flipside the best possible outcome will never happen either since you thought of them as well (VERY IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER), but at least the worst won't. Life if chock full of averageness. The worst only happens when you don't think about it, but on the flip-side, the best tends to happen when you don't plan for that also. It could all just be a mental thing (wherein because you've already THOUGHT of the worst outcomes you aim away from them and make sure they don't happen, and when you think of the BEST outcomes you try too hard to attain them and therefore fail like a US diplomat to North Korea who quotes Team America - World Police to Kim Jung Il throughout dinner), but many more hours of experimentation are required before I can either prove that or "Harry Potter magic" as the cause. Anyway, this year I started planning for my Uber-Week months in advance. I started losing weight (that I knew I would put back on during my week of sloth and gluttony) 2 months in advance, I put in my time for work (the entire week of Thanksgiving would be mine!), made some home repairs so that no major leaks occurred during my time off, bought all my food the week before, and picked up some pizzas and my game rental as I sped home from work on that final Friday before Turkey Day (the game was Kingdom Hearts 2, which will be a very relevant part of the plot in a little bit).
That was my most pessimistic vision of Saturday night too. There was no possible way that Nintendo (who was launching with 600,000 units) would fuck things up like Sony did earlier that very Friday (with only 120,000 or so Playstation 3 units on their launch day, which caused hold-ups and breaking and enterings nationwide by desperate fucks who weren't willing to camp out all night in order to pay $600 to play a crappy line-up of launch titles)... Plus with all the dicksucks online blowing Sony's tiny Asian wang, and shitting on Nintendo's parade (for being "gey" and nothing but a "kiddy company") I thought that Nintendo might even have a surplus of their new system after the Wii release day... But I'm getting ahead of myself here. Let's get back to Kingdom Hearts 2... If ever I could go back in time and tell my younger self not to bother with a certain sequel to a fantastic earlier work of entertainment... well, I'd tell myself not to bother about being the first in Georgia to see Phantom Menace... or Attack of the Clones... but after that I'd tell myself not to even bother with the trash known as Kingdom Hearts 2. Oh, the huge manatee..... Anything but Kingdom Hearts 2!!!!!