Weird. So it appears that there's a revolution going on in Iran right now. |
Uh huh... |
Yeah. People dying in the streets, Ahmadinejad tried to steal the most recent election, and the youth of the country are using Twitter of all things to keep people up to date on what is really happening... |
Wow... |
And you know what? I only have one question after learning all this... |
.............................Ummmmmmmm... |
.................................................. |
I................... ummm.................... |
.......................Did you eat my last mothafuckin' ice-cream sandwich I was saving in the fridge? |
*Gulp* |
Be honest... I won't get mad.... |
Mega Man sorry, doc, but ice-cream sandwich remind Mega Man too much of his frigid girlfriend, Roll, and Mega Man pretended he was in that American Pie movie and-- |
Fuck yous! *Bang!* |
Mega... M-m-m-m-man..... Only wanted..... to lo-lo-lo-love.... ice-cream.... |
Okay. Anybody else got shit to say? |
Well, I don't understand why such a gloriously peaceful nation such as Iran can have so many naughty, naughty citizens who'd want to overthrow their dictator like this. |
Umm........ But, Princess, aren't you also a dictator of your land? |
Tee-hee! Oh, silly boy. Of course not. My kingdom is a constitutional monarchy wherein I rule with love and rainbows and an iron fist. My people love me! *Giggle!* |
Really? |
YES!!!.... Yes, really. |
Um, then, ummm, then why is your subject over there pouring gasoline all over himself? |
What? |
Viva la revolucion! OOooooooooCh! OoooooooWWWwwe! HoT! HOT! Ooooooowe! It burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrns! PAIN! OooooOOOowwwe! |
......................Goddammit.... |
Hey, are the little mushroom fuckers revolting again? |
You mean this has happened before? |
Oh God yes. They get tired of getting bossed around, kissing her ass, and licking her toes about once a month or so... She's just a horrible, horrible ruler. |
Why? Because she's a satanic despot who doesn't care about anybody but herself? |
No... Mostly because she's a woman. |
Heh... Hee-hee.... Tee-hee-hee... |
Guffaw!... Bwa ha ha!.... BWA ha ha ha ha HA HA! |
Ha ha ha Hee HEE hee, Gya ha HA ha! |
......................................................................... |
..................................................Ummm.... Sorry I ate your left over lasagna from last night... |
That WASN'T lasagna...... |
Do I..... Ummm, no.. I'll just let it..... Yeah.... Sorry. |

I shine your shoe for dollar! I spit clean too! *haawwwwwwwwk* Spa-tooie! |
Ooooh! Nice! Make them shine, faggot! |