![]() (7/31/2000) For many years I've suffered through history class after history class wondering to myself just what went wrong. You see, over the course of the centuries both England and France have at one point or another virtually ruled the world. Their conquests were truly global and they were considered to be the bad ass empires of their respectable days. But eventually something happened. Instead of being the ass kicking war-mongers that went out looking for fights and who used to pick their teeth with fake nations like Belgium and Prussia they became the turtles of the European community. They would just sit back and take it up the ass in order not to make a scene while newcomers like Germany trounced their old stomping grounds (hell, when I was in France a friend of mine sneezed and I answered her with a "gesundheit" to which the French government promptly surrendered to me). Well, that's about to change! While this competition is not designed to decide the "Greatest Country in the World" (that is alredy a tie between the good old US of A and Scotland [which shall be free again!!]), it will put to rest once and for all who is less wussy, England or France. |
Both nations start out relatively equal with preconceived notions. England is thought to be a country run by mean assholes (as seen in both Braveheart and The Patriot) and everyone will tell you that France just sucks. But that was the problem, most of these beliefs are held by people who haven't been to either place. So I personally set out to discover the truth myself. Round 1: National Flags The Frenchie flag doesn't even have a name as far as I know, and even if it did it would probably be named something lame like "Le Peepee d' Poopoo" or "Fuck off you touristy types before I sheet on you and your uncolored socks!". It's even lame as hell. Granted, the French flag is red, white and blue... but that's all there is to it. They didn't even try to do something cool with it. France is supposed to be a country of gay decorators and flaky artists! Three color stripes (that's if you count "white" as a color) on a piece of cloth does not make a flag. Point to England.
Round 2: Nicknames Round 3: Bathrooms Round 4: People |
Round 5: Subways
Round 6: Language Round 7: Hotels Round 8: Television