Anime. Toon porn That was my haiku to the anime industry. It pretty much sums up what I'm about to talk about in the following long long article (i.e. "guiding you through the realm of anime"), so you can go back to looking up hentai stuff now if you'd like. You've already got the gist of it. For those of you who aren't pussies, or who have just erupted your love volcano after checking out fan-drawn pics of the Dirty Pair getting it on with Sailor Moon and Ayanami Rei, and you now need a ten minute break, read on! Basically "anime" to the Westerner means "animation made in Japan (with lots of help from third world animation studios in order to pump out the millions of drawings needed to make all those tentacle monsters come alive)". Anime comes in three different varieties; Theatrical Anime (with huuuuuuge budgets and eye-candy visuals), Original Video Anime (OVAs, with decent budgets and a bit more time to tell their story as the plot is usually separated out into many half hour releases), and TV Anime (with budgets for one long season that maybe, just maybe, equal a third of the monies of one 90 minute theatrical release... aka the crap end of the anime production line). Each form of anime has its plusses and negatives though. TV anime may have a pretty small budget (which usually means low frame rates per second and sometimes rushed production time through cheap Korean studios in which half of the character art is off model or doesn't even look non-retarded) when compared to OVAs and movies, but their ability to flesh out a story in anything from a 13 to 52 episode season can't be beat. And the problem with Movie anime is, if you get a movie with lush visuals but craptastic storytelling, you feel like you've been royally screwed over by a really big wasted effort. And then you have OVAs where they have good frame rates and high end art by the top studios, but you have to wait 5 years for the completion of a 7 episode series. You just can't win. It's like getting sucked off by a cheap whore with sharp teeth. Plusses and negatives. The best part of TV and OVA anime storylines is the fullness of their plots. Where as US TV shows and stuff are usually nothing more than fragmented episodes where the plot is always over and the status quo is always back in place by the closing credits, anime usually employs one long storyline per season. Where the beginning, middle and grand finale all take place over the course of 13 to 52 episodes. The exception to the "shitty US TV show" rule was Buffy the Vampire Slayer with its one long story-arc that culminated into the final battle with the baddie in the season finale. My God did I love Buffy. Beyond that though, anime is broken up into a shitload of GENRES (a good portion of which I won't even be able to get to in this article, you'll have to wait for the ULTIMATE Guide for the rest), and each genre (no matter how bizarre or seriously fucked up they sound) has at the very least dozens upon dozens of anime titles that fall into its definitive category. To give you a quick example, Lesbian Magical Schoolgirl Tentacle Rape is a very healthy genre with 3 shows in its category that are in production right now... Not that I'm following them or anything... Each genre of anime has something like five to fifteen subcategories, with some of those having even more subcategories. Very confusing, and definitely very disturbing. You'll see what I mean in a second, for right now it is time to tackle the List of Anime Genres (and yes, most of the shit listed below can indeed be part of more than one genre. Like with American TV Shows. Sledge Hammer! can be classified as a comedy, a police show, and God's own personal entertainment).... In no particular order, except which ones randomly popped into my head as I stream-of-conciousnessly wrote this: GIANT ROBOT ANIME
Also, the giant robots don't even have to be mechanical robots at all in order fit in this category. Think Evangelion, Argentosoma or RahXephon. Those things are all organic (sort of) monsters that have been captured or cloned from the aliens/bad guys and turned into tools for justice. The point is that Giant Robot Anime just has to have giants that at least look something like robots. I guess you could make Giant Humanoid Anime a sub-genre, but I won't, so fuck off. The basic plot to Giant Robot Anime is this: Bad guys/aliens attack our wussy protagonist's house/city/world. Wuss boy (or lesbian girl, but never a fully straight girl) stumbles upon a giant robot that is more than likely his side's secret weapon. Wuss boy then gets into the giant robot and kills lots of baddies despite the fact that he is a total pussy and a pacifist who hates war. Somehow he is convinced to help the military (what's left of it) kill off the rest of the baddies and he learns to become the ultimate badass killing machine in the universe. Variations of this plotline of course can and do occur. The protagonist can start out as a pilot (or potential pilot) from the beginning, but if they already are a pilot then they're not a very good one. They have to then prove their untapped mettle by killing lots of badguys in a fighting move that they never knew that they knew, or by accident, it doesn't matter. What matters is that their bloodlust is then loosed and their quest for vengeance or proof that they're not a total pussy begins from there. Then they learn to become the ultimate badass killing machine in the universe. Just a note, 90% of ALL anime has a giant robot in it somewhere. Keep your eyes peeled! HAREM ANIME
The basic plot of any Harem anime is this: Lonely loser (usually in his mid to late teens, but possible early twenties) who's never even kissed a girl, let alone seen a real-life naked titty, falls head first into the hearts of anywhere from 2 to 100 very attractive women who all have absolutely no taste in men at all. This faux-love that the women experience usually comes from a misunderstanding (they for some reason think that the loser isn't a total loser due to the fact that he accidentally does something brave, chivalrous or simply non-lame when nobody but the mistaken girl can see him. Thus her crush begins when she thinks that there is more to the pussy than what he shows the rest of the world and she thinks they share a secret. Also, there is always one girl who fully knows and understands the protagonist and loves him more than the other girls who only love him because of that one non-stupid thing he accidentally did. It is always obvious from the beginning who this "true love" girl is, and that the loser will end up with her. Kimagure Orange Road is a Harem show done right (some may argue that only two girls don't make a harem they make a "love triangle", but it follows all the rules for this genre and so it does indeed qualify, so blow me). The "true love" chick is hot, and her reasons for liking the main loser character are pretty genuine. Plus the show doesn't get bogged down with choices for the protagonist. He's got two choices, one annoying ugly girl and one hot, warm and tender girl. The supporting cast helps make interesting plot developments possible too and allows the main character to be caught in Three's Company-styled misunderstandings all the time. Pretty good, non-painful entertainment. Negima is a harem show done absolutely fucking wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. First of all, the loser main character is something like 12 years old. Strike one. The main character is made a teacher at an all girls school and made to live with two of the cuties in his class. A retarded strike two. There are 30+ cute girls in Negima's harem. Overkill. Strike three. Granted, not all the chicks actually like Negima, but I guarantee you that they all eventually will. I know this because the Japanese blue-balled writers wish that they were a twelve year-old wimpy teacher who's class consisted of nothing but hot high school girls who wanted to jump their bones. The sad thing about these harem shows is that nothing ever happens in them. The obvious choice for the lame boy is never made until the final episode and then he and his "one true love" only kiss at most. They spend months, if not years, pining for eachother and wishing to be in eachother's arms, but the guy is such a complete shank rag that the most he can do is lightly peck the girl on the cheek right before the final credits. If these shows were American you know that no matter how pathetic the guy was he'd end up bagging the "true love" chick about halfway through the season, then realize that sex is really only great if you have a different partner every time you do it, and make it his quest to then knock up the rest of the harem surrounding and smothering him. Yeah, the reason that girls fall for the main character are usually pretty imaginative (as with Tenchi Muyo, Shuffle! and Vandread), but sometimes get reeeeeeally "who the fuck thought that shit up" (as with Maburaho, Ai Yori Aoishi, Please Teacher/Twins, Hand Maid May and Love Hina, where they just have tons of chicks fall for the loser for absolutely no reason other than "Well, he's a nice loser, and I'm a hot, talented and happening girl with big tits with no other options available to me"... Pure BS Japanese male fantasy). Whatever. My point... Ummm, well the idea is ridiculously overused, but sometimes something fresh can still come of it. ROBOT GIRLFRIEND ANIME
Sometimes the robots have real souls in them (don't ask, just remember it's anime), and that's kind of less creepy. In fact sometimes it can be cool when it raises some pretty deep questions (like Ghost in the Shell and Mahoromatic). And stuff like Kiddy Grade falls into the Robot Girlfriend genre too even though none of the female robot leads are anybody's girlfriend, but that's only because they're pseudo lesbians. That makes anything alright. SPORTS DRAMA ANIME
Sports Dramas are a pretty fun break from the average Harem show. Though where Harem shows tend to try to relate to the libidos of horny Japanese men, Sports Dramas connect with anybody who ever wanted to better himself as a person. Competition in a sporting event is a universal ambition. I mean, who doesn't watch the Olympics and wish that they could run that fast, lift that much weight, or beat the shit out of another competitor legally? Sure, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt who's going to win in the end of a Sports Drama anime (honestly, I can't remember one Bad News Bears ending in any show I've yet to see), but it's the journey that you take with the star athlete that makes this genre shine. And the impossible feats that the hero produces usually don't even make you cringe, they make you cheer! Like when an athlete has them raise the bar in the high jump competition to 6 inches higher than the world record and they just barely clear it because they knew that they could do it... Man, I'm on my feet hooting and hollering for her spunky ass! You go, Akari! You rock my world. The underdog always wins. HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA ANIME
There might be some alterations to the (A) through (C) choices, but you usually get (D) in these kinds of shows. The heroine might write a love letter to her schoolgirl crush sempai, which gets intercepted by the class beeyatch, who then reads it out loud to the homeroom class. This makes the heroine get upset and despair over how shitty her life has become, blinding her to the caring eyes of her classmate who loves her, add-Japanese-name-here. It also causes her to run away in the middle of the night/in the middle of a rainstorm and bump into some bad dudes in a back alley somewhere. They then try to rape her (or just, you know, show her a good time) but luckily for our homely heroine the object of her hormonally charged attachment just happens to be walking by in the dark alley too because he's a cool loner. He kicks the punks' asses and begins to notice the heroine too. But his love for her isn't as deep as the quiet classmate who's ALWAYS loved our heroine, and therefore the relationship is doomed from the start. But some sort of happiness prevails in the end and our protagonista will end up either a lesbian with her one best friend who's stuck with her the whole time, or she'll finally see that the quiet guy who's loved her from afar, just like she used to love her dream guy from afar, is the one for her. Get out your hankies. FIGHTING ANIME
FANTASY ANIME I am truly, madly, deeply amazed at how original most of these genres actually are. I'll bet you've never even heard of a good portion of them before coming to this page. But then, something comes along to prove that the Japanese can plagarize ideas just as well as us Westerners. Thus, I present to you Fantasy themed anime. Record of Lodoss War, Bastard!, Berserk, Slayers ... Pretty much ripped off directly from from the musty pages of a J.R.R. Tolkein novel. There are elves, dark elves, dwarves, wizards, knights, thieves, holy objects, all powerful dark lords, endless armies of ugly ass creatures, continental wars... You get the idea. Now, I'm not saying that these shows suxor my dixor, far from it. Just that they dumped originality down the shitter for the sake of their story's setting. Sure, sometimes the Japanese mix their fantasy settings with other genres for a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup effect (like Escaflowne merged Fantasy and Giant Robots, and El Hazard blended together Back to the Future with Willow..... Hey, I liked Willow, asshole), but still, Elvish Fantasy wasn't originally a Japanese thang.... Like tentacles were. Whatever though. What's good is good. Another big sub-genre of Fantasy anime is the ever lovable Girl Transported To Magical Land storylines. It probably should be a listing onto itself, but (as stated before, and probably many times in the future) I'm lazy. Anyway, an average (maybe a bit brainy or athletic, but never gorgeous) Japanese girl (or girls) is (are) transported to a far away place where magic is usually the order of the day, and giant, fantasy creatures try to eat them before they come under the protection of a handsome savior who teaches them all that they need to know about this new place, mocks them for not knowing anything about the world before then, and then falls in love with them (or dies, or must stay behind when the girl goes back home). Usually bittersweet endings occur in this sub-genre. 12 Kingdoms, Magic Knights Rayearth, Fushigi Yuugi (shudder!) and Escaflowne fall neatly into this category, as do HUNDREDS of others. Let's move on though, shall we? Let's just was FY out of our minds. Please.