Robo Episode VIII Synopsis
told by Catsy and her wonderful imagination@_@) |
Here's just
a quick synopsis for those of you who can't wait to see this
work of art yourself. Enjoy^_^
Episode 8: the Tower of Babel
the Siege of Babel
It begins
with the awakening of the real Big Fire (aka Babel II). What
has to be the entire BF organization is waiting for him as he
finally appears to lead them again in the most regal looking
threads I've ever seen. Neow. Everybody then gives a "Big
Fire" salute (chilling to say the least!). Almost in the
background there is a BF agent who has noticably "amoeba-like"
hair. He smiles in a wicked way.
We then flash to the Experts of Justice (or what
is left of them). Most of their major HQs have been destroyed,
so most of them have now located themselves in one of their smaller
bases in Hong Kong. To make a long story short (episode VIII
was about an hour and a half long): We find out that the Tower
of Babel (the ultimate weapon and source of all ESPers' powers
on the planet) is hidden under Big Fire's base. This is where
Big Fire (Babel II) had been in hibernation. It seems that the
BF organization needed their leader in synch with the tower in
order to use it to their advantage and wipe out the Experts of
Justice and then control the world!
to say, the Experts don't think that this is a good idea. Murasame
Kenji (who, it is stated rather matter of factly, had come back
to life once again after the Eye of Vogler incident ^_~, and
infultrated the Big Fire ranks) escapes the BF base by the skin
of his teeth (Holy cow! What an action sequence!!) and is able
to report back to Chief Chujo in Hong Kong base about the goings
on. It was what they feared the most, but also what they had
prepared for as the rest of the Nine Celestial Kings of Heaven
had secretly gathered for the final blow to Big Fire.... They
had to hurry though, as the ceremony to control the Tower was
soon to begin.

make the Chief angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.
most of the world's Shizuma Drives were out of the picture and
also because none of InterPol's large transports were still functional,
Daisaku offered to fly the Celestial Nine to BF's HeadQuarters
on Giant Robo. After being told that this was not a revenge mission
for his father or Ginrei, Daisaku nodded slowly and when he looked
back up at Chujo and Koshin we could see Professor Kusama's face
(Daisaku's father) for a brief moment. They all grimly smile
and agree. Operation Siege of Babel was about to begin.
Back at BF
HeadQuarters, Komei invites all of the remaining Magnificent
Ten to a Tea Ceremony and informs them that the Experts of Justice
are on their way and that this is to be the last battle. He then
begins to laugh as the rest of the Mag Ten look at him and wonder
if his head is truly screwed on right. The curious thing is that
even Ko-Enshaku appears to be a little uneasy.
towards Big Fire, we can see Giant Robo (fully restored) loaded
with Experts. But most importantly we notice that the (remaining)
Celestial Nine are standing proud and strong on top of Robo's
head and shoulders as if the speed and wind did not affect them.
Among them were Tendou the Berserker, Director Eigan, Chujo the
Silent, Chief Ootsuka, Dick the Shepherd, Marshal Kanshin, Lord
Rinchuu the Panther Cub-Headed and Sei the Bewitcher (Taisou
the Spiritual Buddhist is already extinct [and noone else had
been promoted yet to replace him :-( . They are all slightly
at the BF stable we can see that they are preparing for an attack,
and from their preparations they expect worse than we can imagine.
Search lights are zooming around the night sky and BF Agents
are everywhere with scared but determined looks on their masked
faces. Deep inside the catecombs beneath the HQ, the Magnificent
Ten march behind Big Fire as they approach the Giant Tower. They
then stop at the entrance while Komei and the head cheese continue
forward. Hanzui turns to the BF Agents around them and orders
them to guard the Tower and Big Fire with their lives. "Even
if they have no choice but to throw their own bodies against
the Experts of Justice they must not let them get near the Tower!"
Then the Mag Ten turn around and head back towards the surface.
Ko-Enshaku silently appears out of the shadows and hides behind
one of the pillars surrounding the Tower.
Deep within
the Tower Komei has Big Fire sit in an oversized and richly decorated
thrown and orders him to concentrate. He begins to chastise
the small leader for his lack of will when he draws his fan to
cover his mouth and becomes eerily still. He quietly whispers
"It's too late".
Outside, everything goes silent. There is something
in the air but neither the Mag Ten or the hooded subordinates
can tell what is about to happen. Then somebody yells "There!
In front of the moon!" and we can see an enormous black
mass getting larger and larger. There is the sound of super rockets
firing their exhaust too. But before any action can be taken,
a "hiss"-like sound grows louder and sharper and a
second later the entire area is plastered with arrows. A whole
lot of BF guys go down, but the Mag Ten stand firm. We see flashes
of all of their placid faces... except for Doki the Direct. He
whispers that revenge for his warrior clan will be his and launches
a personal attack upon the incoming Experts. He is the first
to go down.
gets literally blown away by Chujo's rocket punch in mid air!
It was sooooooo cool to see that^_^. Then the rest of the Celestials
land behind the Silent one and stare into the eyes of their oponents.
Giant Robo blasts past them still flying in the sky, and then
the ultimate battle begins! Now, there is no way to describe
just how "ultimate" and cut ass rugged this
mini-war between the Celestial Nine and the Magnificent Ten is!!!
Back and forth the volley of energy projectiles and bodies fly!
Many a great man is wounded on both sides and Jujoji and Chief
Ootsuka both fall.

starts to get serious and gets his Chuck E. Cheese game tokens
out for some serious rough stuff!
this Incredible Death Match the rest of the Experts jump off
Robo to face the remaining BF Agents. Only four figures remain
on the flying giant as he crashes through the main building and
into the underground.
is watching the battle through a flame that hovers over his Chinese
fan. He finally starts to get worried. The Strategist turns his
eyes to the child in the throne and a snarl appears on his face.
He starts to talk (but in a very loud and angry voice) to Big
Fire and explain why his full cooperation is indeed necessary
to rid the world of the evil that is the Experts of Justice.
"Their powers must be vanquished!" It is at that moment
that the ceiling of the cavern caves in and the Giant Egypian
Main Man himself comes crashing down. The whole underground complex
shakes with the force, but miraculously the hollowed out grotto
stays in shape and doesn't collapse. Now Daisaku, Tetsegyu, Issei
and Murasame appear on Robo's shoulders and look around the huge
undergroung lair. Just as Murasame tells them all to be careful,
Neptune (one of Babel II's guardians in the form of a giant robot)
walks out from behind the tower to face Robo. An ear-piercing
screech is heard from behind the Experts and they turn to find
Galuda, the giant flying reptile (guardian number II). The four
Experts jump off Robo just as Galuda flies right at him, but
all Robo does is swing his massive left arm into the bird-creature's
face and smash it into its body. One guardian down.
battle outside is still waging, but it's at a draw. Both sides
are equal and they know it. It will soon be a matter of who tires
out first.
the underground cavern, the four Experts run towards the entrance
to the Tower when all of a sudden a black oil seeps up from the
ground and Achilles (the final guardian of Babel II) takes his
physical form of the giant black cat. It jumps at the heroes,
but Tetsegyu tackles it to the ground and starts pounding it
(in what appears to be a vain attempt) to knock it out. He tells
the others to go on without him and to stop Big Fire. Murasame
and Daisaku do (Issei turns around to help his fallen comrade
and blasts the cat off of the big guy with one of his energy
snakes). In the background Robo and Neptune are slugging it out.
Komei is
now uber pissed at his "master" Big Fire (who doesn't
so much as move) and he raises his hand to strike the child with
his fan when all of a sudden a cold voice calls out "Stop!"
and the Strategist finds that he cannot move his body himself.
Fear is frozen on his face as Ko-Enshaku emerges from the shadows
on the far side of the throne room. He stares at the unmoving
Komei for an eternity before raising his cape and reveiling the
real BIG FIRE! Komei's eyes go even wider in terror as he struggles
to understand what is going on.
outside of the Tower's entrance, Murasame Kenji and Daisaku Kusama
are about to enter when all of a sudden tons of Big Fire Agents
pile out of the immense doorway and form a giant wall to block
them. Without missing a beat, Murasame pushes Daisaku to the
ground and runs at the human wall with a look of satisfaction
and death in his eye. Just as he is about ten feet away he pulls
out a palm-sized detonator from his pocket and his trenchcoat
blows open so we can see that he is covered with plastic explosives.
Daisaku covers his head with his hands as the human wall jumps
down upon the pink Expert. Just as they all land, a flash of
light goes off in the center of the pile and bodies go flying
everywhere. The boy then looks up at Robo's fight with Neptune
(both are badly dented, Neptune is missing a horn and a chunk
out of Robo's right shoulder is gone too). Tetsegyu and Issei
come running up behind him (Tetsegyu holding a bleeding bite
mark on his neck and in the background we can see the crumpled
form of Achilles) and the Black Ox picks him up and carries him
inside the Tower. Daisaku has just enough time to order Robo
to "Crush Neptune now!" before they disappear into
the shadows of the spiraling structure. In the forground a pink
fedora (half charred) lightly descends to the ground.
Inside the
throne room, Ko-Enshaku and the real Big Fire approach Hanzui.
Big Fire looks up to the frightened and frozen man with clear
grey eyes and asks him how he thought he could accomplish this
insane mission without BF's support. All the while Ko-Enshaku
picks up the imposter Big Fire from the throne and takes off
the disguise revealing Sunny the Magician in a trance (*You wouldn't
have thought that Komei would fall for his own trick, huh?*).
Big Fire then slowly walks to and sits down in the throne himself
as Ko-Enshaku bows and takes his leave. The child turns to the
Strategist and in a matter-of-fact tone informs him that global
domination and the subjigation of the Nine Celestial Kings was
never the plan and he knew it. He went on to say that there was
now only one way to stop the senseless destruction that Komei
had brought upon the world. He then closed his eyes and consentrated.
Komei became free from the spell and began to scream as a bright
light enveloped the room and everything in it.
the Tower the light grew and grew. It touched and surrounded
the two fighting giants and before everything goes to pure white
we can see one of them fall.
In the night air, high above the Tower, the fight
is almost over. Soon it appears that both sides will destroy
eachother. At that moment, both the BF agents and the Experts
turn to see the piercing white light shoot up from the hole in
the ground that Robo had drilled. It then grows and sucks in
the entire battlefield. Nobody tries to escape.
a matter of moments the light grows dimmer and soon fades away
to darkness again. As soon as he becomes used to the dark again,
Mask the Red takes the advantage of the confusion and launches
an attack on Dick the Shepherd. Unable to react with any real
defense in time the Shepherd just reflexively throws a punch
(kinda like Chujo ^_~) not expecting it to do much damage....
but it does! Red goes flying backwards and lands pretty far in
the distance, not moving. The Magnificent Ten look at eachother
in shock before turning their attention towards the Celestial
ones. An aora of blue then surrounds the Experts as the BF guys
begin to retreat. It is no use though, as the remaining Nine
jump into the air and land in the middle of the retreat with
a big explosion!
During this
time, we find Daisaku and gang fast approaching the throne room
in the center of the Tower of Babel. They rush in to see Komei
cowering at the feet of the child (Big Fire) sobbing how he meant
all of this for the glory of BF. Big Fire frowns and looks up
at the intruders. Tetsegyu jumps in front of Daisaku and Issei
and throws his two axes at the boy and Komei, but they are blocked
by an invisible barrier and impale themselves into the floor.
Big Fire then begins to glow himself and lift into the air. He
tells the Experts that Big Fire is finished and that they have
nothing left to fear, then he disappears in a flash of light.
Just then, the giant fist of Robo punches through the ceiling
and grabs Komei in its grip, but Komei was already dead. His
eyes frozen open in fright.
outside of the Tower, Hanzui falls through the hole in the ceiling
into the subterranean lair and can see GR standing over Babel
with his back to him. He then notices all the dead BF Agents
and the fallen Neptune, Galuda and Achilles. As fast as he can,
eithout his ESPer powers, he runs to the entrance of the building
while trying not to be seen by Robo. Just as he reaches the doorway,
he stops and tries to catch his breath while Ko-Enshaku emerges
from the shadows. Hanzui feels uneasy at first, but that goes
away when it's revealed that the masked samurai is carrying Sunny
underneath his cape. Without a word, he hands her over to the
Chaos Lord and starts to walk away. Hanzui calls to him and he
stops without turning around. He then asks the samurai if Big
Fire had accomplished his goal. Ko-Enshaku nods. Hanzui goes
on to ask if Komei had been taken care of and once again the
silent one nods, but then he quickly disappears with a single
jump leaving the two of them by themselves. Hanzui holds the
girl close to him and heads off back towards the underground
tunnel leading to BF's above ground palace and HeadQuarters with
an expression of relief and guilt on his mug.
and outside, the Experts are victorious. Chief Chujo lights up
his pipe and the remaining BF agents (including what's left of
the Magnificent Ten) are being rounded up and hadcuffed. We can
see all around the area that tons of lights are approaching.
The rest of Interpol has arrived (finally o_o).
As they gather
in the dawn, the remaining Experts stand below Robo and say a
prayer for their fallen comrades led by Chujo. It is then that
Koshin notices something move in Robo's immense shadow. He goes
to investigate only to find Ko-Enshaku appear out of nowhere.
Koshin reaches for his sword, but then thinks against it. He
walks over to the masked samurai and asks if he's "Finally
found what he had been looking for?" and if it was worth
everything that he had sacrificed. Ko-Enshaku nods and in a hoarse
whisper says, "Yes.... I can rest now." Then the armor
that was Ko-Enshaku falls to the ground in loud *clanks*. Koshin
smiles to himself and says that life is all about truths that
we find for ourselves, and not others' empty thoughts. The camera
then pulls out and we can see the Experts of Justice celebrating
their hard earned victory amid the massive destruction that was
once Big Fire's main base.

Koshin learn a lesson too? Hmmmm, maybe.
Robo's face takes up the camera as he blasts away with Daisaku
standing in his palm. They fly to the heavens.

Crush them now,
Go back
to where you left off at the Con! |

Or go back
to the beginning of ONIcon! |
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Do not copy any of it or I will come over there and rip off your
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of therossman.com |