Where Reality and Cellulite Begin
and End
Now I know that growing old with buttloads of annoying grandkids
running around pestering you for puppies, ponies and peppermints
is the American dream... But that dream is unfortunately going
to die in exchange for "trying to win money by acting like
a social jackass on the television"! You see, 98% of the
United States' population is made up of fatties who no longer
have the capability to breed. These fatties sit in their fat
lazy boy chairs for 8-12 hours a day and get even fatter while
watching crap on the TV and gorging themselves with literally
tons of fatty-making products. Now, a healthy daily dose of The
Simpsons and The A-Team is perfectly normal
and is in fact recommended by 7 out of 10 Fat-Ass Specialists.
It's just when people get tired of their unfair and obese existences
that they try too hard to escape into the land of technicolor
and canned laughter (and for all you fat fucks out there I said
"canned laughter", not "canned ham"), and
that's when things go wrong. Those things that I'm referring
to are Survivor and The Real World
(and all their clones).
Comparatively, I think Regis' Who Wants to Bitch-Slap a
Millionaire is a televised work of Willy Shakespeare
himself... I said "comparatively". If I want to see
a bunch of old people mixed up with a lot of young-uns who constantly
fight, argue, insult, backstab and belittle each other until
one by one they leave and/or get naked and walk around the living
area I'll just go to another Ross Family reunion!
Big gay old people with lots of hair in frightening places should
NEVER get nekkid on national television. In fact there should
be a rule against then getting naked in general. I personally
believe that we should vote for a law to get old, fat, hairy
ugly people to wear those skin suits that the mutants on Genosha
get to wear. They're comfy, they streamline the body and hide
unsightly skin rolls, they come in a variety of sporty colors
and they are self sufficient (no waste, so Depends are a thing
of the past too). What the hell are our scientists waiting for? |