This is the
LINKs Page, if you couldn't figure it out. Since
my site is the bestest on the whole web you really don't need
to go anyplace else. But, if you do finish reading everything
here and want to see just how much crappier the rest of the WWW
is, I do provide some links to assist you in your masochistic
- Ain't
It Cool News Well,
Harry may be an annoying fat ass (he'd be the first to agree
:), but he does get the scoops sometimes.
- Drew's
Script-O-Rama Scripts
to lots of movies and stuff.
- Dark
Horizons Another
movie rumors page by a guy named "Garth" who lives
down under. It's funny how cool he thinks he is cause he once
ran into Yahoo Serious.
- The
Trailer Park Where
you go when you want to see a cool movie trailer, not to hang
out with guys named "Bubba Joe John-Boy".
- The
Digital Bits DVD
news and ratings.
- Blu-Ray.Com is a lot of stuff about Blu-rays. Really? I had to explain this much?
File All the DVD
news that TDB forgets about. Which is a lot.
- Internet
Movie Database........Too
much free time.
ELSE (in no order what-so-ever):
- Topless Robot is everything you hope it to be.
- Comics Alliance has lots of news about radioactive isotopes... And how that can turn you into a superhero.
- X-Entertainment
It's probably not what you think. It's about entertainment
from waaaaay back.
- El
Presidente's Rugged Page He still needs to update.
- Mehve's
Page So does he.
- The People Still Living
at Greenwood Page! For now. But, y'know, things change.
Seasons change.
- ChiChi's Rockdale
Citizen Page Yup, the Furmanite is a webber too.
- Sarah Brightman
Homepage The Angel of Song herself.
- Gamma Ray
Yeah, Gamma Ray. What of it?
- The Onion No gnus
is good gnus.
- The Legends of Zelda
A great tribute page to one of the greatest game series ever
- The Metroid
Data Base Kickin' ass the Samus Aran way!
- Video Games Soundtrack
Central Music reviews to loads of Vid game soundtracks.
- Ninja
Gaiden Homepage Back in a time long, long ago, the Ninja
Gaiden series played on the NES. And it was good.
- The Gameforms
Project Spawned from the Gaming Intelligence Agency.
- The
CastleVania Dungeon This page is so bloody cool. And I
mean bloody cool... Sorry.
- Seanbaby Seanbaby
is beyond words.
- Cliff
Yablonski HATES You Deal with it.
- Zombo Com Anything is
possible at Zombo Com. The only limit is your imagination.
- How
to be an EVIL Overlord Do not deter from the path.
- El Mayimbe's Letters on his Godawful Transformers' Script Review
- The Oooooold, old, old site
- (celebrity
sex tape) Paris Hilton
- (job)
Blockbuster Video
- (transformer)
- (comic
book) After Xavier - The Age of Apocalypse
- (reunion)
10 Year High School Reunion
- Final
Fantasy I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X Video Game
- Cinco
de Mayo Holiday Review
- (transformer)
20th Anniversary Optimus Prime
- Skydiving
Review and Rating
- LASIK Surgery Review and Rating
- (comic book) Marvel 1602 Review and Rating
- Internet Review and Rating
- "Weird Al" Review and Rating
- Harry Bissett's Food Review and Rating
- Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children Review and Rating
- Ichigo 100% Manga Review and Rating
- Godzilla Review and Rating
- Heat Vision and Jack TV Review and Rating
- Death Note Manga Review and Rating
- Michael Bay Transformers Movie Script Review
- Monster Manga Review and Rating
- Lament of the Lamb Manga Review and Rating
- Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (aka Cafe Alpha) Manga Review and Rating
- Cho Seung-Hui's Abyssmal Plays, Richard McBeef and Mr. Brownstone Reviewed and Rated
- New Monkees Band Review and Rating
- His Dark Materials Trilogy (The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and the Amber Spyglass) Review and Rating
- Stephenie Meyer's TWILIGHT Book Review and Rating
- Street Fighter Video Game Review and Rating
- Terry Pratchett's Discworld Review and Rating
- Bokurano the Manga Review and Rating
- Percy Jackson and the Olympians Review and Rating
- Scott Pilgrim Comic Review and Rating
- Deadpool Movie Script Review and Rating
- Usagi Drop the Manga Review and Rating
- Puppy Kyoshi Review and Rating
- The Magic Internets
site (Catsy included) is a trademarked and copyrighted Rossman
Production. Do not copy any of it or I will come over there and
rip off your sack and feed it to your dog.
If you feel the
overwhelming need to get in touch with me, or you know of some
incredibly cool site that everyone should see, just give the
message to Ayeka and Ryoko, and I'll just shove it up my bum.
G'day. |