Self Defensive Force-Faction
(The Main Players)
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Personal: |
The annoying "Little Brother" to Guy's
"Big Brother" persona. Dick is the annoying pacafist
pilot of the Yamacsico. He whines about everything and
everybody avoids him whenever possible. He envies his "Big
Brother" a bit too much, especially when his worthless hide
is constantly saved by Guy's ace piloting skills battle after
Nobody likes Dick, and not even the nympho Ally will sleep
with him. All he does is wreck expensive mecha and put Guy in
danger every time he goes into the warzone. |
Age: |
18 |
Type: |
O Positive |
Seiyuu: |
Ogata Megumi |
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Personal: |
Bastard. Pure and simple. He's not a military
doctor (he just happened to be aboard Grubby's Yggdrasil
when it was hit and he was then brought aboard the Yamacsico),
just a money grubbing civey.
He's called upon to help Doctors Tabitha and Kitchikoo
in the operating room quite a bit, but much to his patients'
chagrin he won't even try to save them unless they pay him up
front. What a "Marty!" |
Age: |
35 |
Type: |
O Negative |
Seiyuu: |
Chiba Kouichi |
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Personal: |
As dry and uninteresting as month old squid.
Dr. Tabitha doesn't get out much and doesn't truly understand
or appreciate other human interaction (most of the people she
meets are unconcious or dead on the operating table).
She's a hard working and talented physician, but she usually
spends her free time in her quarters bleaching her hair. She
had a brief fling with the Yamacsico's head surgeon, Dr.
Kitchikoo, several years ago, but that's history (although
it does lead itself to many an awkward moment in the O.R. especially
with Dr. GoFish in the same close quarters trying to milk
a few more ESDF Currency Notes from the injured :).
Basically, all she ever does is bitch about things that she has
no control over and get slapped around like a red-headed stepchild
(by whomever usually happens to be closest to her when the bitching
begins). |
Age: |
29 |
Type: |
B Positive |
Seiyuu: |
Maya Okamoto |
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Personal: |
Every ship needs an alcoholic, slurring, tone-deaf
physician, and Dr. Kitchikoo fills that void for the Yamacsico.
He's never seen without a jug of sake or a bottle of vodka. He's
always making horrible jokes at the expense of anyone around
him, but for some reason nobody's ever offended (as they usually
just laugh it off).
Every once in a while he'll join Aines Freshnesu in a
showtune or two, so cover your ears (bleeding tends to occur).
An old romantic interest of his (Dr. Tabitha) is now under
his supervision, but nothing more than flirting is ever produced
from it. |
Age: |
32 |
Type: |
AB Positive |
Seiyuu: |
Toshiyuki Morikawa |
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Personal: |
Mismay, Ilene and Baskaca.... FIRESTARTER!!!!
Well, at least in the first few episodes. Then Mismay thinks
that she can make it on her own and so she leaves the band.
FIRESTARTER is the thing that dreams are made of. A band of such
"rocktitude" that they bring down the house after every
show (literally, some fans will always blow the place up)! They're
stationed aboard the Yamacsico as a constant form of entertainment
for the troops, and their performances never cease to make one
forget the troubles and woes of life in the military.
Mismay is the sweet idiot, Ilene is the cute hyper one and Baskaca
is the brooding angry one (who used to be an ace pilot with 50
kills under his belt until his eye-sight was ruined by a cup
of scaulding hot tea that Mismay accidently threw into his face)
with a life-long rivalry between all around cool dude, Guy
Butrosbutros and himself.
After the breakup caused by Mismay's leaving, Ilene and Bas decide
to give their dream one more go (with the help of an ex marine
who was kicked out of the service for coming out of the closet
and a mighty drag queen), and they become the greatest rock band
that the galaxy has ever known!... As for Mismay, wellllll, see
her personal notes for more. |
Ages: |
Mismay 17, Ilene 14, Baskaca 18 |
Type: |
O Positive, and two A Positives |
Seiyuu: |
Mismay - Miwa Akihiro, Ilene - Sakurai Tomo, Baskaca -
Ohbayashi Ryunosuke |
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