YAMACSICO Characters

 All of the names, events, descriptions and music of YAMACSICO (Super Dimensional SubSpace Fortress: The Battle for Space, Time and Love) are copyrights of their respective companies and creators. The creators of this site merely wish to honor this series and show the world just how glorious YAMACSICO truly is..... and to try and band people together to keep ADFision from acquiring the rights and totally butchering another fine product.

This site (design and text) is a trademarked and copyrighted Rossman Production. Do not copy any of it or I will come over there and rip off your sack and feed it to your dog.

If you need more substance in your meaningless and pathetic existence, check out the following life supporting pages of glistening goodness!

TheRossmanChronicle | *YAMACSICO* | TheRossmanExaminer | theDailyRossman | NESticision | RossmanPeoples | WhatIsNew | ElectronicMail | Retard'sDigestONIcon1998:TheConOfTheCentury! | NutsToThisComics

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e-mail the webmasters at: uber_rossman@yahoo.com