Animal rights. The rights of animals..... |
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Animals with rice. Animals with baked potatoes... Mmmmmm, and a good red wine sauce. |
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And animals sliced up really thin and placed between bread with mustard! And baby cows served with marinara sauce! And chickens and pigs all served Chinese style!! And even dogs and cats done Korean style!!!... Mmmmmm, so huuuuuuungry. |
Kid, you're fucking Waco....... But I like ya. |
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...............Ummm, er...... Ooooooh. |
Oh, hey! Druggle, was that aimed at Pit or me? |
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.......................................... I love you........... |
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Um, am I in the way here or something?...
I can, you know, go over there for a few minutes if you'd li-- |
You leave me alone with this freak, angel-soft, and I'll gut you like a kitten. |
............So I'll stay then. |
Hey, has anyone seen-- Oh, there you are! Goddammit, Link, get back here now! |
Hey, doc. Why's that greasy elf all fucked up like that anyway? |
Oh, well it's a humorous story. It all began when Toad asked me to go and get him some spooge remover from the adult novelty store down the street. I was tired, and needed a nap after looking up Asian, S&M, bondage bukkake stuff on Toad's computer for 7 hours straight, so I made my mongo brother, Lasagna, do it. Well, when he came back he told me that the bottle of the spooge remover came in a two pack and that he also found out that that stuff is good for removing other stuff when used in sufficient quantities. So we then began using it to get rid of all the unwanted genital warts and crabs that we got from that cheap ho who hangs out around the seventh castle in the Mushroom Kingdom (use the back entrance to the slave quarters, and ask for "Sensual Shiitake"). Then, after that we went over to the Princess' place and cut holes in all of her clothes in places that cover up ta-tas and her hoodilly, and then we waited in the bushes with a bottle of KY and-- |
Oh he just got raped by my barrel throwing monkey again. |
............................................... Did you get pictures? |
Hey, uh, look at that.... I think I dropped my wallet in that room with the giant horny monkey. Ummm, I think I better go crawl around on all fours with no underpants while I look for it. |
 Eek eek! Noooooooo!!! |
There's only one way to stop this madness! Druggle, give me your gun! |
Which one are you going to shoot? |
You, of course. |
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Twee hee hee!!! |
Say there, Mr. Monkeypants... Have you seen my wallet around here anywhere? Hmm, how about you check up my banana-filled rectum just to be sure? |