Hey, Mario. I've been wondering why you're now dressed
like a physician. Did you give up plumbing? |
Uh, yeah. The hours sucked. |
Dude! But like, as a doctor aren't your hours worse? |
No..... Not especially. |
Oh man! Cause like I saw this documentary once where they
said that good doctors had to be on call like twenty-four
seven! That's gotta blow goats, man! |
Well, I'm not a good doctor. |
But, Mario, I'm just saying that even if you were a lousy
doctor who got his patients all drugged up and then made them
do weird and sick things that you'd still have to- |
Shut the fuck UP, Pit. |
Mario, what's Pit talking about? |
Ummmmm?... Nothing. He must still be recovering from the
2 kilos of medicinal marijuana I prescribed him. |
What?! |
I mean the barium enema that I gave him. That must've screwed
up his head. |
....... |
Ha ha ha! Ass. |
Hey, muthafuckas, Daddy's back in town!! |
Awwww crap.... |
What's the matter, Princess, still mad about the whole
"nudies on the internet" thing? I told ya that that
was a mistake. A wonderful and greatly profitable mistake. |
Druggle, what the hell are you doing back here? |
Heh heh, keep your panties on, hon. I just came back to
see some old friends and pick up my hash and hero- |
*AHEM* Shut uuuuuuuuup. |
Mario, what's he talking about? |
Nothing. He's just in withdrawal from the painkillers I
gave him after his penis erectile surgery.... Isn't that riiiiiiiiiight,
patient? |
Uh, yeah, sure. I would, uuuuuh, like some of your legitimate
prescription medications, my dear man. Please put me down for
50 grams of hospital acid, a kilo of your finest emergency
room pot, and what the heck, throw in a few kilos of your
clinical crystal meth. |
M-M-M-M-Mega M-M-M-Maaaaaan not feeeeeeel too gooooooooood. |
Oh shit! |
What? What's the problem? |
The little blue ass pirate found the stash I was keeping
for you again! That's $100,000 down the fucking toilet!!! |
.................... |
"Loco" Luiz's gunna cut my sack off and feed
it to his crocodiles again!! |
....................... |
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! ...... Ass. |