Mega Man confused... So it's okay to shoot black people now? |
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......................Why the hell's everyone looking at me?...... |
Mega Man saw on the news that this Mexican man went around and hunted down this poor little black boy because the Mexican man was a "creepy ass cracker." Was he a "Ritz" or a "Graham" cracker? Mega Man confused as to how food can hold a gun. |
...Uh..... Oh shit, are we really going to cover this topic? I mean, fuck me, I don't want my name attached to this thing! |
Wait, so did the creepy ass cracker get off? Oh, that came out wrong. I mean I think we all know that he "got off," but did he like get out of going to prison for killing a black man? |
This is what's wrong with America! The absolute racism that still exists in our world! We're in the 2000s, people! Why can't we all just get along! Why do people still hate others based on their race?! |
Hey, don't look at me, sweet tits, I hate ALL races. And all creeds. And pretty much every fucker on the planet. I don't JUST hate black people. |
What race is Mega Man? |
Mega Man is "little gay robot" race. And I hate him too. |
Oh shit, oh shit! Did you just say you hate gays? Oh fuck no! Turn off the recording equipment! We're done here! TURN IT OFF! This is NOT getting out into the internet! I already have 2 strikes against me! |
What race is Mega Man now? |
Oh shit! He's coming right at me! HELP! HELP! *BLAMMO!!* |
Mega Man... Only wanted.... to suck gay cock..... |
Oh shit oh shit oh shit! I KNEW this would happen again! You, you all saw that, right? He was coming right at me! He, he looked all gay and... Oh no, that recorder is still on, isn't it?!?! |
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......................Seriously, I would have bet money that that was going to be me who did that. |
And I think that we all learned an extremely valuable lesson from all this. |
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Okay............ Can we shoot the Princess now? I think she's like a quarter black or something. |