![]() The AX had been fighting this unending struggle for years now, but the Allied Otaku were fresh and raw. They were not prepared for the abhorrence that they soon came face to face with, but they were not worn out from drawn out combat and were able to hold their own. -"Friday: We woke up at 8:00 and turned on the television to see if AXTV had begun its programming yet..... It hadn't. So then we got cleaned up and went down to the lobby to try and find the line for Opening Ceremonies that we were sure had already started to form." -"Neow, we couldn't find it at first so we just followed a large (and I mean LARGE) group of chubby otaku outside. There it was! The line was outside and already starting to wrap around the Convention Center. Ugh! This sucked! We sat down and watched as the line quickly grew behind us. Then we waited.... and waited.... and waited some more-tcha." ![]() Let the waiting begin! They didn't even open the Dealers' Room until after Opening Ceremonies (this would have cut down the line somewhat!). -"It was more boring than I remembered. But soon we got to talking to this Jerry kid behind us about original animation and stuff. He was pretty cool! He told us all about how he helped create the opening animation to both the AX95 and AX96 kick-off ceremonies. Cool!" -"I liked the story of Anniemay Foster and how she destroyed the solar system almost single and bare-handedly (it gave me some nice ideas). He then explained how animation was done and how he was using some computers to do his future projects. Rock on, Jerry!" -"After our little talk with
that ex-Blanco Daicon kid we were really eager to see what the
animation would be for this year (although I remembered that
last year's really didn't compare to what we had just heard about
95's. Damn I wanted to see it now!). Hopefully it would be pretty
cool. Hopefully. ![]() Jumbo jumbo room! -"We
quickly found a seat and Jerry sat next to us (I wanted his review
of the 98 animation^_^). All three of us then began answering
the Miyazaki Trivia questions that they had running on
the BIG screens. Oni-chan and I got almost all of them right
:) -"After a few
music videos from cons gone by (I had completely forgotten how
ultra kewl that Macross video done to Alphaville's Red
Rose was!!!! It was one of the best put together I had ever
seen!!! It even had the feel of Gainax's D IV work. Man
oh man I wish/ed that I could get a copy of it!) the show began
(10:53). -"Neow. Then
another guy came out (I think it was Jeffy) and said that we
should 'appreciate the people behind the scenes more' for what
he said out-right was 'the best anime con'.... Bwa ha ha ha ha
ha ha! I promised I'd get back to him on Sunday night and let
him know. *Giggle!* -"Patience, little kitty. Here, take some more Ridilin. Finally the G(uests) O(f) H(onor) were introduced and allowed a few quick words. First came Mika Akitaka (creator of Galaxy Fraulein Yuna, and Mecha designer of the stars [shows including Nadesico and numerous Gundams]) who didn't say much. Then Junichi Hayama (animation director of a bunch of stuff [including Hokuto No Ken], and chara designer for many series like Be-Bop High School and JoJo's Bizarre Adventures) stepped up to be applauded and bowed to the audience. ![]() "If we push the button now, how many dead will be on our hands? Gentlemen, we must think before any harsh decisions are made that will affect the governing body of Otaku for years to come." -the GOH Assembly of Honor Akira Kamiya (the one and only, very talented seiyuu) walked on stage to a thundering ovation. he said that he personally asked the SPJA if he could return this year and he was glad that they said 'Okay'. Then in Ken-shiro's voice he stated quite matter of factly that he could kill us in many different ways with just his hands.... Big deal, so can I." -"After
Kamiya-san followed Hiroyuki Kitakubo (Animator, director, character
designer and creator of many cool movies and shows [including
Golden Boy^_^]) who announced that AX98 was his first
step to conquering the Universe! He then shared with us that
the Japanese thought that everyone in America LOVED ID4.
He was disappointed to find that this was wrong. -"What?!?! Catsy, you know that was our job! That's why we packed all those heavy explosives and ammo! Anyway, after the TriGun guy came out the main attraction, Yu Watase (if you don't know what she does I'm not going to tell you)." -"That's rude, Oni-chan! So what if you don't like Fushigi Yuugi, lots of other people do!" -"Yeah, but only retards who like bad story telling, characters who don't stick to their personalities, gay plot lines and characters who don't stick to their personalities." -"Shhhhhhhh! Stop saying that stuff! What if Watase-sensei reads this? You'll make her cry you meanie devil-girl! And I LOVE Fushigi Yuugi too!" -"Okay, I'm sorry. I take it back.... I guess I was pretty hard on retards by saying that they can't tell the dif between good and bad plots... like you." -"Uh,
did you just apologize? So uh, anyway after Watase-sensei came
the final GOH, Takahiro Yoshimatsu (chara designer for some Slayers
and the TV TriGun) who also told us that he wanted to
take over the world..... This was turning into a bad Pinky
and the Brain episode. ![]() -"Pssssst! Yu! Give it a biiiiiiiig f***ing eye! Make it look like it has the power to peer into your soul and destroy your mind with a simple thought and there is nothing on this planet that could possibly stop it in its mad attempt to cull the strongest survivors on this or any world it may ever encounter!!!!!!" -"....Nani?" -"Man, I wanted one of those creepy looking monk thingies for myself! Lord knows I could use some luck of my own. Sooooooo, after that the City of Hope came out and thanked us for all the mullah we gave them and then all the GOHs posed around the big ass check for some pics. We abligded them^^ ![]() $16,000! Whoa, that could buy me a buncha ramen noodles! I could probably afford a spoon with that kinda ¥ too! Then they brought on the Drummers!!!! I was surprised too, but I really got into it. They were banging on those bongos better than those talented guys on Viva Variety! It was cool!" ![]() ![]() "Heeeeeeeeyyyy Macarena!" -"After a nice 15 minute performance the show was over and we were thanked again for coming. Neow. Did we miss something? Where the heck was the Opening Animation?!?! Holy cow! I can't believe they didn't even have a cheap and crappy one like last year's was supposed to be! I was a little annoyed." -"So was I, but it looked like Jerry really didn't mind. Oh well. After everybody left (it was 11:50 and the Dealers' Room would open soon) we went up to the stage and mingled with the GOHs. They were pretty cool even though they had no clue as to what we were saying. I even had to admit that Watase-san was really nice and sweet in person." ![]() She was a real cutie pie in person-tcha. I wonder if we could set her up with Kenji or if he was still seeing Sailor Moon. -"She was cool! Then we met Kamiya-san and he did Shutaro Mendo's voice for us (after I tackled him and just kept screaming 'Shooooow me the Mendo! Shoooooow me the Mendo!') ^_^ I think he either said something like, 'Lum, I will always be faithfull to you if you choose only me,' or, 'Heeeeeelp! Get this stupid psycho cat the **** off of me! Heeeeeelp!' I really couldn't tell (I don't know Japanese so well^_-)." -"Um, I know some, but I'll just be nice and tell you that he said the first." -"Yatta! I knew he liked me @_@ ![]() "Get out of the way! I need to take this picture of those weird looking cartoon chicks! The folks back home will never believe there are such freaky looking things in the States!" Then we went outside to get into the hotel for the Dealers' Room line (somehow we had a feeling there'd be one). Right outside the Convention Center we found Akitaka-san puffin' away on a Marlborro. Screw the Surgeon General! Trust me kiddies, if you wanna look cool, start smoking^_^ ![]() We only kid ya. Akitaka-san really is cool! (I luv Yuna^_^) Low and behold, we were right. The line was veeeeeery long too. So Oni-chan and I decided to go upstairs and put on our costumes so that we could blend in better (still no AXTV though :(" -"Good thing we always carry
some costumes with us or we'd be up that famous creek without
a paddle! I dressed as Sailor O, the Champion of all Psycho Hose
Beasts (I even tucked my wings in so as not to give away my true
identity ^_-) and Catsy dressed up as Ginrei. We were then ready
to rock! -"Neow. After I wiped Oni-chan's tears away and she told me she'd be okay we started spending the Rossman's July and August rent like there was no tomorrow! It was glorious I tell you! Glorious!!! ![]() We met the Three Goddesses working behind a counter in there. Either Goddess work doesn't pay all you'd expect or this was just somebody's sick little wish! We basically just looked around for an hour picking out things that we wanted but waiting till we saw everything before we bought anything just to make sure we had enough money to get the really good stuff (it turns out that the Rossman only lives in a really crappy place [think Joe's Apartment] and his rent really isn't all that much all things considering). All that wonderful anime merchandice waiting to be bought by me and Oni-chan.... I started to break down and laugh uncontrollably at the top of my lungs in a weird Naga-like fashion." -"That was okay though, cause everybody else started to join in for some reason or another... But then something weird happened. I could make out another Naga-like laugh coming from the far end of the Room. It was spooky, kinda like a return Naga mating call or something. Then we found the source! ![]() Holy Gazoombas!!!!! The REAL Naga!?!?! It was the REAL Naga! Holy cow!!! No wonder Lina always got so darn jealous! Naga was hanging out in the ADVision booth and she gave both Catsy and I a free 'Got Anime?®' T-shirt apparently for just being cool. Why does Lina have to pick on Naga so much, hmmm?" -"After some more item hunting Oni-chan and I were ready to start spending.... That is until I looked at my watch. We were already ten minutes late for the Akira Kamiya panel!!!!! Yikes!" -"Calm down, kitty. We got
there in time for plenty of his funny commentaries and such.
Kamiya-san started off by telling us that he was going to be
the narrator in the new Imagawa-sensei anime Getta Robo!
Cool news already! My fave director and seiyuu working on the
same project together ^_^ -"Kamiya-san
told us that over 100 new seiyuu debut each and every year and
that the number was probably still rising, while when he first
started out in his voice acting career there were relatively
very few-tcha. Neow. Now it's an extremely competitive market.
If you make one mistake you will never work again! -"He was also
very encouraged that he had so many fans over here State-side.
But of course you do, Kamiya-san! You are soooo money and you
don't even know it^_^ -"He
said that kids know his voice and he's very popular with them
(and then they get mommy and daddy to buy them stuff that Akira
Kamiya said was a good product). He's got the power and he knows
how to flaunt it :) ![]() "Ma'am? Kamiya-san says that the answer to your question is 'boxers,' but if you want to find out for sure I can tell you his floor and room and all you have to do is knock 3 times at exactly 7 tonight- What?!?! I wasn't supposed to read this, just give it to her?!?!?" -"Hmmmmm, that
situation sounds kind of familiar...... Anyhow, he was proud
of what he was able to do with Ashram the Dark Knight's voice
(i.e. have it sound pompous yet nervous at the same time) but
he informed us that he was not doing the voice for Ashram in
the television series (the audience let out a collective negative
*sigh*). -"Neow.
It also turns out that even though he doesn't 'dislike' Jackie
Chan he could not stand his version of City Hunter. I
really don't blame him-tcha. Not his best. -"It was rather frightening,
Catsy. He said it wasn't a character that really existed inside
of him and that he really had to stretch for it. I think he stretched
too far! Yikes @o@ ![]() "Dah-ling! Get away from that girl!... Oh, gomen Ryo. I didn't know it was you!" -"He
announced that his future plans are to hopefully stick to voice
acting and keep doing roles that fit him. He also plans to continue
teaching (his first lesson always being to only act with your
mouth, to which he demonstrated by 'speaking' so loud that people
in the back of the huge auditorium could hear him without his
microphone). -"It'd serve you right if he did, you back-stabbing puta! Anyway, it turned out that neither Catsy nor I got a winning ticket for his autograph session (pisser!) so we just left in disgust and went across the street from the Convention Center to the Pizza Hut inside the Marriott. I looooooves me Pizza Hut :) Plus I had to test to see if all greasy food would get my tummy in a bundle or if Carl's had just gone sadistic on me. I thought that the 'King of Grease', Pizza Hut could answer my burning question." ![]() Heartburn I could handle... I just hope it didn't go South from there!
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