So you're tired of being confused about your place in the HIGH SCHOOL hierarchy. You've tried all the clubs and cliques but you're still stumped on what you should do and with whom you should hang out with. You're ready to embrace your destiny and become the jock/nerd/cheerleader/social pariah that you always knew you could be. You're ready to get laid. You're ready to DO HIGH SCHOOL the Rossman Way! Step 1: Learn what you are First you have to find out what clique you belong to. Now, this may not be something you choose for yourself, but you WILL be a part of some social grouping... That's just how it's done. The choices are (from the top of the high school food chain to the very bottom): Jock/cheerleader -- bully -- class clown -- normal -- toady -- student council member -- strange or dangerous loner -- stoner -- band/flag corp -- or nerd/geek. The higher on the chain you are the more choices you have. Meaning if you're a jock you COULD hypothetically choose to lower your standing and become a normal, a toady, a strange loner, or even a nerd. But if you're a nerd, you can NEVER raise yourself up to the level of a jock. That goes against Einstein's laws of Comprehensive Campus Identity (aka the Social Waterfall Effect -- Once you fall down, you can't swim back up against the mighty current).
So, are you ready to figure out which group you're in? This is fairly easy and very cliche, but my classification system does work. First of all, look at yourself. Right now, in a mirror. I'll wait........ What did you see? Muscles and a look of smug superiority on your face? Congrats, you're a jock! There. Now that we've sorted out WHAT you are, let's get into how to live your high school life right. Step 2: Acceptance Yes, it's true. You can be something other than a hot jock or busty cheerleader and still have a happy 4-7 years in high school. The next step is learning how to not-necessarily LOVE your place in the high-school totem pole, but understand it and accept it. Nothing (absolutely NOTHING) is sadder than a nerd who thinks he/she can sit at the jocks'/cheerleaders' table in the cafeteria. Oh man... THIS is why we have Columbines in this country. Outcast kids can't understand that they're never meant to hang with the "cool" kids. I don't give a shit what crappy movies or after-school specials tell you... It's just not natural. Just like class clowns should never try to be smart. They should just concentrate on being smart ASSES.
Band people, it's your duty to go through life disillusioned, thinking that being in the school band it the equivalent of playing bass in Guns 'N Roses. It's your job to firmly believe this and try to sell it to all your mocking, sadistic classmates in fifth period Spanish. My God will they mock. Dangerous loners, you must never want to join any group, or wear anything on your feet but army boots (even with the kilt... ESPECIALLY with the kilt). You must be able to look like you're pissed at the world even if you got an extra Twinkie in your lunch that day (fuckin' A! An extra Twinkie!). And normals, well, you've got the easiest acceptability assignment... Just go through high school like it doesn't really matter in the long run. This is the easiest classification to be saddled with since high school really doesn't amount to a hill of shit when it's all said and done. Everybody (from the tallest and mightiest jock, down to the skinniest and wimpiest nerd), except the normals, think that high school is the be-all, end-all culmination of their lives. Trust me, it's not even close. That's just so fucking stupid... There's still your first weekend-long, apartment (dozen) kegger to look forward to! The only REAL thing that high school is good for is getting laid for the first time. Step 3: Getting laid for the first time Most people lose their virginity in high school. Yes, even the bandies and nerds can and do pop their cherries during their 4 years stuck in alphabetically-listed locker Hell. Scoring some high school ass is pretty much the ONLY reason for going to school at all (here's a secret: most of the shit that they make you memorize [from the capital of Oklahoma, to the square root of an obtuse triangle] is completely bullshit... NONE of it matters in the real world. Go up to any billionaire CEO of any giant, mega-corporation and ask him what year the battle of Waterloo took place in. Not only will he put out his cigar on your temple, but he'll more than likely laugh as his bodyguards step on your nads with their size 13 wing-tips). So as I was saying; getting laid. Everyone can and should get some action in high school (unless you are a teacher or janitor, then that's just illegal... Although you could then sell your story to a hentai game maker in Japan and make some mad cash that way. And there is an exception to the unwritten "no teacher shall pork his/her students" rule -- If you are a hot as hell woman teacher, and you want to fuck the shit out of a lucky lad [hell, or lass] in your class... Feel free. But ONLY "hot as hell women teachers" are allowed this privilege. It should be obvious why. I should not have to explain this to you any more). There's no excuse at all for failure. Once again though the Social Waterfall Effect shows that people at the top of the pecking order CAN in fact fuck anything lower than them, but they really should stay within their own level of popularity. A jock caught porking a flag corp girl will pretty much destroy his reputation. He may in fact fall a couple of places on the totem pole too... Say from jock to bully. That's a painful drop in status. Even if she was a great lay (and seriously, face facts, unless her mother's Heidi Fleiss and she taught her flag-twirling, outcast daughter everything about turning tricks that she knew, she won't be worth it), you will probably NEVER regain your status as a studly jock again. Considering this is pretty much ALL that jocks live for, shit, man, you're life is over. The only exception to the "fucking lower on the ladder than you" rule goes to the stoner. Seriously, they could get caught fucking the school mascot and it wouldn't hurt what little of their rep that they had left. People would just laugh and say, "aaaah, what a funny stoner with the boner." Some of the nerdettes may cry, thinking that they had more to offer the stoner than the Mad Fighting Rooster. Ha ha! Fuck you, nerdettes!
Finding somebody to lose your virginity too should be relatively simple for the main reason that EVERYBODY WANTS TO FUCK at that age. Hot chicks, dorky guys, chunky girls, and beefcake boys... They all want to do the nasty. The easiest and fastest way to get some (and therefore accomplish the only thing worth attaining in high school... Fuck the diploma) is like I just said two paragraphs above: Stick with the Social Waterfall Effect. Jocks, just ask a cheerleader out on a date when your or her parents are out of town. Boom, you just got some. Geeks and nerdettes, invite yourself over to a shy member of the opposite sex's house on a Friday night to watch the six-hour block of crappy sci-fi series on the Sci-Fi channel, and use the sultry advances of those hot Cylons on Battlestar Galactica to make your own move on your potential lover. Trust me, he/she is just as horny and awkward as you, so they won't push you off of them (well, unless they're gay, but that's a risk you're going to have to take, you goddamn nerdy virgin!). Normals, the reason you got a car (or borrowed your parents') is for the backseat. Just get your equally normal and horny date back there and you're in. Literally. Student council dorks, just start reciting all your stupid and gay awards and spelling bee ribbons that you've won to another member of the council, and he/she'll get worked into a red-hot sexual frenzy in spitting back his/her own who-gives-a-shit distinctions and scholarships conferred upon themselves (God that just... Ewww, I pictured two members of my old student council slappin' pasty thighs together and I think I just threw up a little in my mouth). Pick a partner in your same cliquey classification, and all you'll need to do is get them alone. Giggidy giggidy giggidy! Now, you may be virgins, but I'm guessing you're not retarded. If you are retarded and don't know about protection and what doin' the deed is naturally and scientifically all about... Well then, maybe you really should pay a bit more attention in Biology class. But to help you out here's my How To Make Real Babies page that I think you should check out before unhooking that bra. Trust me, having to burp a baby in the middle of cheerleading try-outs is NOT what high school is all about. What I'd recommend to you is to double bag your cock-balloons. This is good for two reasons: it'll keep you from feeling the pounding too much, and your pussy-drilling will last longer; and it'll make double sure nothing slips past the goalie. The key to double bagging it is to first put on a regular condom, then put a larger one over it. This'll make you feel more manly at the drug store when you check out with Magnums too. When people look at you just smile and wink back. Step 4: Classes and homework
Step 5 : Prom Yes, the prom is a requirement, no matter what you think of it. It is where you show off your spoils of war, and who you bagged in the end of your academic career. Whoever banged the hottest person in their individual classifications wins! Whoever you show up with at the prom will be how you're best remembered forever. FOREVER... Well, unless you're the mastermind behind the senior prank in which the principal's car was dunked into a tank of toxic waste on his birthday. Then you sir, or madam, rock. You have to play step 5 right though. You don't want to nail the head cheerleader all year long, only to get dumped by her a week before the prom and be forced to take your ex's toady instead. Ugh! Props to the female toady, but negative marks for the jock in question. You just blew your chances for King and Queen of the Prom.... Ha ha ha! Oh man, I'm kidding about that kingly goal there. Even if the team quarterback and the women's track star get elected king and queen, that 'honor' is still the gayest thing you could ever wish upon your most hated enemy. Twenty-five years from now, at the reunion, people will still be making fun of you for getting up on that stage in that shitty and gay crown, and waving to all your classmates in triumph. If you then tried to stage dive your way into immortality, well, I just hope you can pass the stunt off as only happening after you bumped into a stoner in the loo before the coronation ceremony and he MADE you eat some brownies... But trust me, if there's just one picture of you in that crown at the reunion, even the president of the student council will be pointing and giggling at you in that gay way he always used to laugh, only you can't punch him in the large nose now because he owns Shell Oil. Just say "NO" to the kingly and queenly crowns before it haunts you for every reunion you go to till you die alone and in shame. Step 6: Graduation Just grab the diploma and get the fuck out of there. (Bonus Hints) Here are just a few more hints on how to do high school.
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