Issue #25: Spoiled Hollywood Starlettes Out of Control

*Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* Oh, Lindsay... Where did we go wrong?.....
Druggle, are you upset because Lindsay Lohan keeps leaving rehab early, despite the fact that she continues to get high and over-intoxicated every night, she drives around drunk, almost killing dozens of people every time she gets behind the wheel, and makes godawful movies that nobody ever pays to see?
Fuck and no! I'm pissed that she keeps caving in to public approval and continues to ENTER rehab all the goddamn time! You know how hard it is to smuggle in her daily dose of 2 kilos of coke every damn day?!
Ummm, have you tried stuffing it all into a live mule? Tell them that Miss Lohan needs it to practice for the donkey shows she'll be forced to do once people realize that she's a terrible actress.
That's actually... Did you think that up yourself? That's pretty good! But now I have to think about how I'm going to sneak that camera into Paris Hilton's jail cell so we can release a "One Night In Paris II: Bangcock Prison Guards" while the iron is hot!
Megaman has built-in camera. Just sneak Megaman in and --
Oh! So THAT'S how it is, eh?! You just want to take over my directorial duties, eh?! Well, forget chu! I don't need this crap! Why does everybody hate me?! *SOB!* What did poor ol' Druggle do to deserve this?! *Waaaa ha haaaaa!*




What's going on? What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here!
Ummm, Megaman thinks that Druggle is PMSing, doc.
Splendid! Splendid!
...........................Um... Megaman wonders..... Doc, what does a female orgasm feel like?
Do you know what a steel-toed boot feels like up your ass?
Ha! Oh yeah! Mega-whoa!
Well that's what you're about to get for asking such a poofter question! Bend over, blue boy!
*Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*...... Okay, doc. Please make it mega-fast though. Megaman wants to see how many Matchbox cars he can cram up Druggle's vagina.

Wha-WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! The answer's 38... And that's on top of Samus' 18" dildo.. WAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!


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