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9 - 12
Slip Beginnings" |
names in BOLD are those that appear for the first time.
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to read more about them.
9 ("Rusty Angel")
(First I have to say something about this
Event. It is quite clear that in order to save a few Yen and
some time that the producers shipped this episode to Korea to
be animated. And they did a sh*t job. It is also quite obvious
that this episode was not done by the staff that worked on the
first 8 Events. Urgh.... Just enjoy this as much as you can)
The 4th Battle of the Bands is about to take
place but Mismay can't be found anywhere (she's waffling back
and forth over her true feelings about her shoes and which she
loves more: Her pumps or her tennies). So it's cancelled (it's
just no fun without Mismay to make fun of through out the contest
While this is going on, Cutey Darling
infiltrates the Yamacsico (for another spy mission or something)
and she proceeds to sleep with the entire male crew (and some
females too) in order to find out how Earth humans deal with
love (or something lame like that... *Sigh* I tell ya, even the
plot of this episode was just crapped out. They apparently just
needed a filler or sumtin').
Meanwhile, Grubby punches NomE for being such
a pacifist wuss, and NomE proceeds to kick his Cap'n butt back
to last Tuesday! Never saw that one coming.

And it's Grubby in the lead with thirty punches thrown and
six roundhouse kicks to NomE's head... No, wait! Is that NomE?!
Dammit, I can't tell anymore! Damn those clones and damn that
krappy Korean animation studio!
Ally happens to find herself in the Yamacsico's
labs and meets Hirachi and Jambon who are working on a new panty-guessing
device (yup.... -_-... it's exactly what you think it is). They
ask if they can test it on her and so she strips down to nothing
to "hide" her panties (guess she misunderstood or is
a bigger perv than those two are) and they both get nosebleeds
(that start off as nose erruptions) and pass out.
Back to Cutey. She's still sleeping around
and eventually she finds herself in da Count's hospital room.
She "flashes" (for lack of a better word) into her
birthday suit and is about to hop into the sack with the potato
when Irene blasts her with her regulation Class A "Big Gun"
and dumps her body into the nearest container (which happens
to be the cafeteria's soup d'jour [which gets the best compliments
any meal ever has in ESDF Food Services history!]) @_@.
Anyhow, NomE decides that the ESDF is no place
for a pacifist like himself, so he defects to the Jovian Angels!
And once again Dildau has to belittle him/her/itself and come
and pick him up.
Inside the Kami Killah, Dr. Marumisu is seen
taking out tons of wires and computer chips and replacing them
with a new hardrive that he's just completed. When Mari questions
him about it he just tells her to run along and play with Achtung!
who was looking for her earlier. She pulls out some evil-looking
torture devices and chases after the puppy-wuppy. Marumisu smiles,
then flicks a switch and a soft hummmmm settles throughout the
spacious room.
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10 ("Fallen Angel")
This event opens with Caca killing a bunch
of Oni.... It's cool to see, but it is never explained.
Inside the OniCon, the Jovian thief Nipul
II is sneaking around with all the subtlety of one of those
freaky monkeys with the cymbals you always see in toy stores.
His mission is to steal some cloning materials (it's easier to
steal from the beastly Oni than the ESDF anyday) because Marumisu
refuses to share anything about genetics with the Angels. Without
even realizing it, Nipul kills Mariez by throwing a subspace
mallet he finds on the ground behind him without looking. It
smashes the little kabuki face on Mariez's hat and he falls down
dead (all of his subordinates come out of the woodwork to laugh
at him [especially after Nab eats Nipul in one bite and makes
a comment about how he "Wanted a midnight snack, not a spineless
gay monkey-boy".... well, it's a good pun in Japanese]).
Sleeping in the Yamacsico on a top bunk (with
Lei-Lei on the bottom one), Zero wakes up with start after having
a "premonition" dream! OoooooooooooooOOOO! She dreamed
that everybody was in some weird medeival setting when a bomb
goes off, vampyres fly away and some floating triangles disappear.
Then some cool lookin' dude with white hair came up to her and
killed her real bad.

Boy, I guess that Klink is truly the
apple of Zero's bloody eye!
On board the Jovian's command ship, Achtung!!
attempts to slip away from Fein in order to try and OD on some
chrystal meth that he's been saving. But before he can remember
where he hid it, MASTER finds it and sucks it all down (the jaw-dropping
computer assisted effects used for MASTER's "trippin' the
light fantastic" sequence are sooooo groovy!). It is at
this time that MASTER goes about renaming the command carrier's
name to the AbuCabu!
Ushiko and Umao pop up in space suits outside
da Count's hospital window while Ally tries to sneak into bed
with the un-awake one. Fox, Irene and Ms. Blotto try to beat
the crappola out of her (but she turns all three on eachother
and is about to slip under the covers while they're distracted,
but she thinks better of it and simply leaves all three of them
bickering [and all this right after they all signed a pact to
not fight the others or try to sneak a quickie with ol' Love
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11 ("Battle Angels")
In the opening scene, Fukuku and Brian go
to Grand Admiral Fox and Dr. Freshnesu and demand to know the
truth behind who or what the Jovian Angels are. Dr. Freshnesu
then goes into a loooong explanation of how they came to be and
why it was kept a secret. Turns out that 1021/2 years ago, the ancestors of the Angels left Earth
in order to "find Kami-sama". In the process they burned
all their bridges and proceeded to make fun of all the "Terran
Losers" who would only find "eternal damnation"
by remaining on their "devil planet" and by not repenting
for their sins in the coldness of space. They called themselves
the "New Heaven's Gaters" and they were determined
to find that damn spaceship hidden inside of Haley's Comet's
tail..... They never did.
Eventually they were forgotten by humanity
(especially when the MamonOni came into being and hostilities
began between them and the ESDF). Gaters' emergency rations were
getting used up and their population was growing beyond their
control. So they voted to return to Earth and were prepared to
kiss a little ass to mend things up. This is when they found
the behemoth ships near Jupiter and "borrowed them"
to make a grand entrance back on Earth. The only problem being
that they apparently did not/do not know how to operate and perform
maintenance on them (they are only religious fanatics suffering
from massive cases of space dementia after all). This is when
the peace talks between the Oni and the ESDF were violently interrupted
by the Angels blowing up the Earth's Diplomatic ship.
After the long-winded explanation (that took
up half the episode @_@), it is realized that Dr. Freshnesu had
by-mistakenly been sitting on the communications switch for the
entire ship and every crewmember and entertainer aboard now knows
their secret!!!!.... but nobody really gives a crap and things
continue as usual.

Norika practices her hand-eye coordination in piloting the
Buster Brown by tossing around a manned Disposable GunDAMN Unit.
Hilarity ensues.
NomE finds out the truth about the Jovians
at about the same time those aboard the Yamacsico do. MASTER
tells him the SOB story and explains that the original Terran
Deserters left because they didn't like how the scientists of
the time were starting to experiment with capturing "God
Energy". They thought that it was sacrilegious and insulted
their beliefs.... But they would think nothing of "killing
Kami-sama" if it meant shutting everybody the f*** up!!!
NomE then defects from the Angels to the Oni cause he's always
hated organized religion (and especially disorganized
religion), and when he gets there Captain Kahn bitch-slaps
him and calls him "inferior" and "uncrosomatic".
Ko and Enshaku
choose this time to tergiversate to the Jovian Angels' camp now
too because they want to find out more about their Great Great
Great Great Uncle (there could be another "Great" in
there for all I remember) whom left Earth with the New Heaven's
Gaters oh so long ago. The stories of their Uncle's pride and
dignity and honour live through them now and they wish to find
the truth about his supposed exploits.
Inside the AbuCabu, Dr. Marumisu convinces
Meiko the Strategizeer to convince MASTER to fire up the
recently "tuned" Dilation God Machine. Then he smiles
to himself as he remembers secretly getting some DNA samples
from the ESDF Scion Keys with Anne Droid's help (when she first
snuck aboard the Yamacsico). He declares out loud "Now we
shall see who is prepared," and he starts cackling like
the loony mad scientist that he is.
Oh yeah! This is also the episode where that
nutty shrinking ray is invented and employed! Now that's what
I call a sticky situation ^_^ *canned laughter*.

This would have been really funny if the Model 5s hadn't neutered
in order to make him look more like a real Ken doll. :(
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12 ("Angels' Ascension")
*Sigh* -_-.... Well, I guess it had to happen
sooner or later. This episode is the obligatory "Flash
Back" Event. They just recap the story in its entirety
to give newcomers a quickie catch-up to the goings on in Yamacsico,
while giving their budget a breather too.
The last 2 minutes of the episode is new stuff
though. Kenny dies and Dr. Marumisu starts up the Time
Dilation Machine and a huge warp-hole is created in between
the Jovian and ESDF Fleets! Yurethra freaks and causes the Yamacsico
to get pulled into the drag of the time-gap! The powerstone core
of the Yamacsico reaches critical and the ship starts to break
apart! Before all the escape pods can be ejected, tons of characters
get sucked in from all sides of the war, and then Zero get pulled
into the warp! Tyler and Yurethra jump in after her before Dr.
Freshnesu can tell them that it's not necessary to do to save
the Scion Keys. Before the hole disappears, Kyran the Timestripper
is called in and ordered to save the Keys! She is given some
specialized equipment from Dr. Freshnesu, Jambon and Hirachi
and told that enough "God Power/Energy" should exist
in the past (where it is determined that the warp-hole has dilated
everybody). Just before the gap closes, Kyran plunges into it
(followed closely by Ushiko and Umao:). Then the Yamacsico blows

Supreme Commander Jingy as he wets his cape (staring humbly into
the power of the God Machine!)

Tyler actually gets dressed up as he salutes Zero for bravely
falling into the warp-hole instead of him (this is before Yurethra
pulls him in too to try and save her).

Warpin' kitty.
He's pretty tied up
Hangin' upside down
He's pretty tied up
An you can ride him
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